Agreement Signed For The Bonanza Mine Project In Arizona


PHOENIX, AZ - Tombstone Exploration Corporation (TMBXF) has signed the agreement with Goldrock Resources, Inc. to begin a strategic plan of Mineral Processing and Exploration in the Bonanza Mine area. The Bonanza Mine property includes the Harquahala and Golden Eagle mines, located approximately eight miles south of Salome, Arizona. The project totals 2,656 acres and has significant underground workings, from which some 180,000-200,000 ounces of gold were reportedly produced from high-grade ore in the late 1800's and early 1900’s. Mined rock and tailings from previous operations represent an additional potential resource.

Tombstone Exploration is in an investment partnership with Goldrock Resources, Inc, whose CEO is Richard C. Moores, the former president and director of Anatolia Minerals Development Limited and COO is Todd Fayram, who designed and constructed American Bonanza's Copperstone gold mine 40 miles NW of Bonanza and Minefinders' Dolores Gold Mine in northern Mexico. Tombstone is investing to earn a 40% participation in the initial phase of development at Bonanza, with the subsequent right to participate and gain a larger interest in the exploration and development of the entire package. CDM Smith has been hired to initiate permitting for the first phase.

“We are excited to be working with Richard Moores and Todd Fayram on the Bonanza Mine Project,” Alan Brown, President and CEO, said. “This investment is a fantastic opportunity for TMBXF and we’re excited to see it moving forward. This will progress us from an exploration company to a mining concern that we anticipate significant revenues and cash flow for the coming year."

The company’s address is 6529 E. Friess Drrive, Scottsdale, AZ 85254, (480) 588-8920,